Greetings from the Part-Time Expat Blog!
One of the many things we love about Viva is that we are a mostly American/Canadian community, and we can speak in our native tongue. But when we venture outside the Viva gate…that may be a different story.
SJD continues to have a strong Gringo presence, and most of our Mexican neighbors also speak English. This is super convenient, but about two years ago, I decided to step outside of my comfort zone and at least attempt to learn the local language. Not brush up, but learn! Other than Duo Lingo (the free version!) I had never attempted to learn Spanish, having taken French YEARS ago in high school (Comment allez-vous?). But when a local Mexican friend of mine, who obviously speaks Spanish and English, said she was taking French lessons online via Zoom, I was intrigued. I reached out to her maestro, Mario, and set up Spanish lessons for old beginners (my term, not his!).
All this time later, still not fluent, but getting a little braver with at least attempting the local language. I find that most locals are kind and willing to help when I am struggling. I often apologize for my poor Spanish, but try not to automatically revert to English when outside of Viva. Also, this is great for me in retirement, to stretch my mind and try something new. Mario has become an amazing mentor and friend, as well as a positive role model. He also teaches German and is currently learning Italian, Russian, and Chinese. So… using him as inspiration, maybe I can pick up a little more Español!